Produced by Spongetones leader Jaime Hoover, the classic refrains of The Beatles ring crystal clear all over The Everyday Things` awe-inspiring debut, "Lighten Up, Francis". Clear, readily identifiable echoes of timeless bands like The Plimsouls, The Beat(Paul Collins), The Romantics and 20/20 are enough reason to drop everything right now and listen to the soundbites below. But remember the movie "That Thing You Do" and those insanely catching numbers The Wonders, the fictional Beatles-inspired mop top band, were playing? Well, praise be to the pop heavens, The Everyday Things remind us The Wonder, as well as Barry And The Remains and The Zombies(and, yes...The Spongetones` "Beat And Torn"). This British-Invasion power pop done as preciously and gloriously as can be done, pop fans. -Not Lame
If you like "Lighten Up, Francis" get it here!
Thank you for this disc that i don't know or maybe i forget it but we don't know all, right???
By the way i'm a great lover of power pop and your blog is the best for this style of music.
Again many thanks from France where these discs aren't available.
Thanks for the compliment. It is cool to know that powerpop ovedose is enjoyed all over the world! Keep on checking back
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