I am sitting here up to my ass in snow thinking about the great music that has been presented to us this year and I am finding it difficult to come up with just 10!!
So many talented artists and groups, It is hard to make a decision! I am basing my list on the fact that most of these discs were in heavy rotation at home, work and in my car.
Well, here you are...
10. The Pop Project - Stars of Stage and ScreenNow that's my list, give me yours! I would like to see them. Just leave them in the comments section, maybe there will be something that we missed this year!
9. The Explorers Club - Freedom Wind
8. The Pickpockets - Underworld
7. The Pillbugs - Everybody Wants a Way Out
6. Jordan Zevon - Insides Out
5. The Favorites - Bright Nights, Bright Lights
4. The Gurus - Now
3. One Lone Car - North, South, East And The Rest
2. The Parties - Can't Come Down
1. Telepathic Butterflies - Breakfast in Suburbia
Merry Christmas -PPO Top 10 for 2008 pt1
Merry Christmas -PPO Top 10 for 2008 pt2
Track Listing is in the comments
Thanks for all great music. Merry christmas and a happy new year!
Thanks for everything and have a great holiday season. One album/band I haven't seen hardly any mention of online is Attic Lights. I first read about them in Mojo back around Aug. or Sept. and from what I read they sound like prime PPO material.
Great Blog!
here's some favs from 2008.
Prima Donna-After Hours
The Hellacopters-Head Off
HiFi Handgrenades-Carry On
The Major Labels-Aquavia
Juliana Hatfield-How To Walk Away
Pugwash-Eleven Modern Antiquities
Albert Hammond Jr.-Como Te Llama
Sloan-Parallel Play
Death Cab For Cutie-Narrow Stairs
Nada Surf-Lucky
Friendly Foes-Born Radical
Julie Ocean-Long Gone & Nearly There
The Broken West-Now Or Heaven
hello and thank you
this compilation is wonderful but please the trax list
bye THIERRY depuis la FRANCE
Track Listing For PPO Top 10
1 Forever The Explorers Club
2 Life As It Happens The Pillbugs
3 Secondary Players The Pop Project
4 Something That You're Missing The Favorites
5 The Lonely Ones One Lone Car
6 The Trouble in Keeping Up With The Joneses Telepathic Butterflies
7 This Girl Jordan Zevon
8 Cold Life The Parties
9 Elisabeth Dreams The Gurus
10 I'm In Love With You The Pickpockets
11 I've Got a Feeling The Favorites
12 Not the One The Pop Project
13 Camila Rhodes Jordan Zevon
14 Styrofoam And Wine One Lone Car
15 I Don't Know How Crazy I Am The Gurus
16 Are You For Real? Telepathic Butterflies
17 Last Kiss The Explorers Club
18 Trip Fast And Run The Pillbugs
19 Damned By The Sunshine The Parties
20 And Beat Me The Pickpockets
sensational. Enjoy your well deserved break.
Where do I find "Underworld" CD by The Pickpockets? Love their sound? But hard to find out much about them or where the CD is available...thanks for any help. Beyesn@aol.com
beyesn,send a mail to c_puente_alvarez@hotmail.com
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