If you’re not afraid of your powerpop being a little loud, a little lewd, and full of references to the devil’s underwear, the terminally-unhip year of 1983, and yard sales in Glendale, then Peachfuzz will flip you out. The L.A. band’s third long player is nothing short of being a modern masterpiece that just begs to be blasted through your blown-out car stereo speakers on a Friday night in the Malibu Grand Prix parking lot. Picking up the cleverly-coined “stonerpop” mantle from where their likeminded labelmates the Blondes last left off, Peachfuzz proudly rape and pillage pop’s past. Gems like “Silly Act,” “Fille Des Mers Du Sud,” “Find Out,” and “Hero Of Nineteen Eighty Three” burst at the seams with classic rock ‘n’ roll hooks, bits and pieces of swirling ‘60s psychedelia, and late-‘70s AM radio bong-hazed boogie; fans of Cheap Trick, Redd Kross, The Shazam, and Flop will find lots to dig here. Even when they turn it down a notch in the album’s more subdued, mellow gold meltdown moments (such as when the songs have titles like “Champagne And Aperol” and “Muscat Wine”) they manage to pull it off perfectly a la those introspective Paul Westerberg-penned pearls on the Replacements albums that everyone gets all gooey over. One song -- the downright eerie “Bevar Christiania” -- even sounds like a Neil Young-fronting-the Manson Family get-down! A caustic collision of modern powerpop, classic songwriting, and typical Teenacide riffola, Catch Your Snap arrives just in time to be the soundtrack to yet another too-hot-to-be-bothered So. Cal summer, and should neatly fill that empty space on your CD shelf between Papas Fritas and Teddy Pendergrass. -Teenacide

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1 comment:
Today i've been seeing his entire blog and i have no words .... is amazing and wonderful!!! I have some discs but not many others. I just hope my blog post on any disk that you do not have to be able corresponds. Best regards and grateful
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