This CD marked the reemergence of the Prime Movers after a decade of inactivity. They say it's the album they should have put out back then and they are right. After hearing it it's hard to see how they could have missed, they command this garage/Mod ground and never make a misstep. They power straight ahead through the tunes using just enough production to make it interesting. - bostongroupienews.com
If you like "Back In Line" get it here!
The Prime Movers - Back In Line - 2007/rs
The Prime Movers - Back In Line - 2007/badongo
Man, this is a fantastic recording. It's got some beef in the production and really commands from start to finish. Nice!
Its so highly informative things are posted here. These things are the fresh and having good information are posted here, and also am seeking for this kind of information thanks for updated.
great post here, magnificent!
Very very good blog post, it is straightforward and informative. No nonsense blog post. Brilliant, doc - Keep It Up.
First I would like to appriciate you for the valuable information sharing with us. Thanks for making informative blog.
First I would like to appriciate you for the valuable information sharing with us. Charmingmovres are also one of the best movers.
Cool! Thanks for posting this in your blog.. really awesome! Is there also a link to the listen to the songs, though a few minutes of each? Can't wait to buy the CD though. Thanks for sharing.
Seattle Movers
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