Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Power Pop Overdose Popcast Volume 57

This week Power Pop Overdose, we bring your new music from The Reflectors, The Speedways, The Adam Brown, Mark and The Clouds and David Myhr, but wait there’s more we’re also bringing new music from Johny Polonsky, The James Clark Institute, Curt Florczk, Brad Marino and Watts. Additionally, will bring you some more Hidden Gems and some great jangle pop. Oh yeah, our featured artist this week is Any Trouble and Side One of their masterwork, Where Are All The Nice Girls? from 1980. I’m thinking you’re going to dig the show. 

 As always, enjoy the music, support the artist, and thanks for listening to Power Pop Overdose!
PPO v57 on Simplecast
PPO v57 on Apple Podcasts
PPO v57 on Google Podcasts

1 comment:

  1. New and Notable
    All Made Up – The Reflectors
    Street Kids – The Speedways
    What We'll Never Know – The Adam Brown
    You Wanna Put Me Down - Mark And The Clouds
    Egyptian Blue - David Myhr
    Why Stop At Five? More New and Notable Music
    People Are Lonely, Horny, Angry and Depressed - Jonny Polonsky
    Little Powder Keg- The James Clark Institute
    Worry Stone - Curt Florczak
    Many More Drugs – Brad Morino
    Shady – Watts
    Jangle On!
    Hold Me Tight - Coke Blenda
    I'll Be There – Gary Ritchie
    Capturing The Flag – The Long Ryders
    Black And White – The dB’s
    Talking To Myself – Let’s Active
    Hidden Gems
    C’mon – The Artists
    Three Bands Tonight – The Directions
    It’s Allright – The Wet!
    Dumb Blond – The Jags
    Hormones in Action - The Neat
    Featured Artist – Any Trouble - Where Are All The Nice Girls – 1980. Side 1
    Second Choice - Any Trouble
    Playing Bogart - Any Trouble
    No Idea - Any Trouble
    Foolish Pride - Any Trouble
    Nice Girls - Any Trouble
    Turning Up The Heat - Any Trouble
