Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It looks like I will try...

Going to give zippyshare a whirl.  I will post links in the comments section for now.  It is going to take a while to upload all the links so be patient.  If there is anything you must have right away just leave a comment or email PPO.


  1. thanks for keeping my FAVORITE blog going!

  2. Dude! I hate it when that happens. One possible solution is to use a service that automagically uploads files to multiple hosts. One or two go down, no problem because one or two stay up.

    The oldest one is Sharebee, but I have not seen it used much in the last couple of years:


    The one that I have seen used most often in recent times is Mirrorcreator:


    Another one I ran across on a quick search:


    Or, maybe you could pick two or three from this list, and use multiple browser tabs to "manually" upload files to all at once:


  3. http://exystence.net/ uses Mirror Creator and I love it.
