Monday, July 16, 2012

Wheres Curty Ray?

Life has kinda caught up with me , but have no fear, Power Pop Overdose is still alive and well. Between work and family concerns I have not been able to give 100% to PPO. I am sorry. I will be back to posting soon, be patient.

Curty Ray


  1. I was starting to wonder. I'm glad to hear that you're okay. I've missed your post these last couple of weeks, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I hope all is well.

  2. Glad to hear you're ok - was getting a bit worried. Thanks for letting us know what's going on. Take it easy.

  3. I too was wondering whether or not you decided to throw in the towel. Glad to see you are still alive and well. As John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans" so do what you need to and be happy. And once again, if you never post another thing ever again, I will always be grateful for all the really great music you've turned me onto over these past few years.

  4. Just happy to hear you are well. Music will wait for life. :-)

  5. Phew!!! All is right with the world again :)

  6. Very happy to know everything's OK.


  7. If you could share this petition with your readers, I'd thank you:

  8. Real life and family comes first. Great to hear from you brother.

  9. I visit your wonderful blog every few months or so, and really appreciate the tremendous effort you put in to bring us pp fans the good stuff. I am tempted to dl everything you post, but I'd go mad, I think.

    But today, I have been a greedy little gremlin, so I wish to express my appreciation for making these available via the wonderful mediafire -
    daryll ann renko
    cloud eleven
    sparklejets uk
    numbers x2
    spy vs spy
    nerk twins
    hazey janes
    josie cotton

    can't wait to open them. thanks again!
