Friday, December 3, 2010

2010 Suburban Sprawl Music Holiday Compilation

Hey PPO Followers!  Here is a Christmas bonus from Zach Curd at Suburban Sprawl Music...

Make sure to thank Zach!

Ho Ho Ho! - You have happened upon Suburban Sprawl Music's annual Holiday compilation. Every year, various friends (from Michigan and beyond) use the SubSprawl Holiday comp as a way to have fun, write some totally sweet holiday songs, and collaborate.

2010: This year we were gifted with 48 tracks to share, and a great cover design by Shawn Knight. Could 2010 hold the most magical holiday of all? Only Santa knows. We hope you enjoy this year's compilation and consider this a thank you for supporting the arts in 2010!

If you're determined to spend money on something, we have a few ridiculous sales going on in the Quack Media webstore.

Tis the season right?

2010's edition (along with every edition since 2002) is available here:

Zip of 2010's comp:

Hi res cover art:

Thanks, and Happy Sprawlidays!

- Zach

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