Thursday, November 20, 2008

I just posted the results from the Top 200 Power Pop Albums poll over at SSA!!

Let us know your opinion!
Remember this was a poll and the top 200 albums were voted on by your peers!

Curty Ray


  1. Excellent work. A link will be posted on to display results.

  2. Hey, you must have forgotten ADAM SCHMITT's World So Bright record when you drew up the list after counting all the votes. Otherwise, I don't see how such a great record (for which I voted and which John Borack placed in his Top 10) can have missed the TOP 200
    Is it a mistake?

  3. Great list! There's a few I'm not familiar with in the lower rungs, but it's hard to argue with the top 1/2 sequence. Makes me want to pull all of these out & listen consecutively, if I didn't have to work!

  4. I couldn't find any Bobby Sutliff or Mitch Easter.

  5. How many of these albums only got one vote?

    And, if so, how did you rank them if they did...

  6. How can an invitation to the SSA blog be obtained?
