Monday, June 16, 2008

The Quit - Minus Tide - 2008

Who needs a Dinosaur Jr. reunion? Beyond? Naah, we’ve got The Quit right here in Seattle to do all of our alternative rocking. At least I think they’re making music now. They were just on MySpace so I’m pretty sure their EP is not from some buzz bin even though Scott Shoemaker and Nash McBride have all the screeching fuzz and frenetic rhythm of 25 year guitar veterans. The Quit is so charming and poppy I can almost overlook the fact that I listened to albums just like it on repeat in high school. Were it not for thick curls I’d be thrashing my hair around every time I listen to “Talk to Me”--highly danceable. These guys definitely don’t slow down until you get to the pace of “Clouds Collide,” set by Charles Pinnell’s drums and Chris Borgia’s bass, and even that picks back up. I have to give them credit for making me feel both young and old at the same time. -[Nicholas Hubbard]

If you like "Minus Tide" get it here!

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