Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pugwash - Eleven Modern Antiquities - 2008

This fourth Pugwash album, appearing three years on from the richly-defined Jollity, is a high-water mark in a career defined by such milestones. The title of the album, Eleven Modern Antiquities, is ironic, for how can "modern" creations be antiquities, "relics or monuments... of ancient times," as the word is defined by Merriam-Webster? Walsh suggests that he is a songwriter writing pop songs today, not as if he were plying his trade in, say, the 1960s or 1970s. His is not a retro art, but a modern art that references and is informed by what has come before--a contemporary art, if you will, that is clearly created in the present. If you get a chill up your spine listening to Walsh's music--if you're of a certain age or you're simply wired to swoon under the spell of a clever chord change, sumptuous melody, or a genuinely inspired lyric--you owe it to yourself to become immersed in this absolutely wonderful music. Top of the pops, in fact.
These eleven modern antiquities are really of a piece, so well do they fit together and alongside each other. The first single, "Take Me Away," a bright and cheery-sounding, straight-ahead pop song of immense charm, is informed musically by Jason Falkner's expressive, chunky rhythm and otherwise guitars, and bandmates Keith Farrell and Johnny Boyle's spot-on musicianship, not to mention Walsh's beautiful voice, an instrument most certainly to treasure. -[Alan Haber]

If you like "Eleven Modern Antiquities "get it here!


  1. Thomas Walsh is a modern pop song genius imho and should be explored by everyone who loves music. A major talent that needs to be discovered by more people. I have yet to hear a throw away song by this man.

  2. amen, brother.



  3. This is a awesome album, very recommendable, and you must buy it.

  4. Jaysus.....If I'm not skint enough already!! Ah sure I love nicking some freebies myself so what can you do eh? Thanks for the very kind comments everyone and yes, as 'The Pink Floyd' once said.....'It would be SO nice' if you all bought it after your free listen!! The artwork and the purity of Steve Hoffman and Kevin Gray's mastering are worth a monetary purchase alone!!

    Thomas Walsh.xx

  5. This album is awesome. I featured it on my radio show this week, and I scored an interview with Thomas - it's up in its entirety at Cheers!

  6. Buy.This.Album.

    The music is essential. The lovely packaging and booklet are the cherry on top.

    If ever a *real* label and a **real** artist deserved your money it's 1969 Records and Thomas. (who is still delighted he played on the b-side of the new pugwash single)

  7. As always, many thanks Curty. You can't beat the Pug's D/L attitude, either, which by itself will be worth the purchase price.

  8. Many thanks. Have heard how great this group is, so looking forward to listening...

  9. Everyone should have this awesome album. It contains wonderful music of a talented songwriter.
