Originally released in 1994, the self-definitive Set to Pop finds Bill Lloyd masterfully asserting his claim to the pop half of the country-pop duo Foster & Lloyd. This reissue (available for the first time in Canada through Denon) is an essential addition to the collection of any fan of melodic, unflashy, guitar-based power pop. Alongside the noble, ringing guitars of "Forget About Us" and "Alright" enjoy the wiggly, quick-picked riff to Ray Davies' "This Is Where I Belong," the inherent humor of the AC/DC-meets-bluegrass intro to "In the Line of Fire," the pointed, John Hiatt-ish barb "The S.W.A.T. Team of Love," and the dramatic, bass drum-punched chorus of closer "Anything Less than Love." -AMG
Thanks for posting this one. Bill's best commercially available record, I'd say. I've tried to contact him about his self-made cdr's, but haven't received a reply -- has anyone heard those cdr's?
ReplyDeleteGreat music Curt. I really enjoyed this one. Happen to have Foster & Lloyd ? Best, KRILL
ReplyDeletethank you very much
ReplyDeleteany chance of re-up on this?
Thanx Curt...this guy is SO GOOD!
ReplyDeletecab=n you please re up this one?