Thursday, May 8, 2008

Automat - Automat - 2007

Hailing from London, England, Automat have just released one of the best albums you'll hear this year. Their material pulls together all the best elements of pop both past and present resulting in a dazzling set of clever, diverse, melodic and infectious songs that carry the definite stamp of class...
The album’s opening salvo ‘I Don’t Mind’ is a clear statement of intent, proclaiming loud and proud that hooks, harmonies and powerful riffs are this bands stock and trade. These sentiments are echoed on ‘Sleep’, ‘A little Sign’, ‘I Don’t Know You At All’ and thoroughly nailed home on the epic Round And Round. Lovers of Big Star/Badfinger – esque pure pop songs aren’t left out of the equation either, ‘Not This Time’, ‘Alright’, ‘Long Way To Go’ and the too catchy to be believed “Comeback Special’ more than cover that end. As if that wasn’t enough, the band have included with ‘Whatever Happened’, ‘Everything I Wanted’ and “Now And Then’ some of the most heart achingly beautiful songs you will hear not just this year but ever.

If you Like "Automat" get it here!

Automat - Automat - 2007


  1. New one to me- seems very cool. Thanks again.

  2. This is one of my favorite albums of last year...a perfect blend of Squeeze, the Beatles, Jason Falkner and The Posies with a unique style all their own. An outstanding power pop release. By all means, support the band and pick up the CD from the good folks at Not Lame!!!

  3. Hi Curty Ray,
    Thanks for this excellent post with an a new great band.

  4. I agree get at Not Lame, I did, it is worth every penny you spend!!

  5. thanks for the tunes and the link.

    i added you to my links as well.

    great blog, thanks for all the work.

  6. Hi there,

    Thanks for bringing our album to a wider audience and for the support it is much appreciated. However it would also be appreciated if you remove the rapidshare link as the album was financed purely by the band and if you would like to hear more from Automat then we need to sell as many copies as possible. We would have happily allowed you to share one or two tracks as a taster for the album.

    Thanks again for all your support

    Lost Dogs Management for Automat

  7. Link was removed by request of copywite holder. Go to Not Lame and buy it.
